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Religious Projects

St. Anne's Catholic Church

St. Anne's Catholic Church

St. Anne's Catholic Church

St. Anne's Catholic Church

Shinnyo En

Shinnyo En

Bethel Baptist Church

Bethel Baptist Church

All Religious Projects
  • Sacred Heart Church, Marengo, Illinois
    Church and two story, community center addition; concrete slabs on bar joist floor system supported on masonry bearing walls.

  • Church of Latter Day Saints, Geneva, Illinois

    Church and community center; wood truss and laminated timber roof system on reinforced masonry bearing walls.

  • St. Annes Catholic Church, Barrington, Illinois

    Church facility and school facility; renovation of existing church, new worship with bell tower and balcony and gathering space; renovation of existing classrooms and new class room addition; gymnasium addition.

  • Shinnyo En, Elk Grove Village, Illinois

    Two story church and administration facility; composite concrete and steel beam framing system.

  • 1st Church of the Nazarene, Lemont, Illinois
    Two story church facility with mezzanines; exposed timber roof system on masonry bearing walls; precast concrete floor systems on steel framing.

  • Alliance Holiness Church, Chicago, Illinois
    Two story church and community center addition;concrete slabs on steel bar joist floor system supported on reinforced masonry bearing walls; steel bar joist and steel joist girder roof framing system.

  • Beth Judea Temple, Long Grove, Illinois
    Church facility entry renovation; open wood framing throughout.

  • Buckeye Evangelical Church, Madison, Wisconsin
    Church facility; exposed timber roof system on masonry bearing walls, precast concrete floor system over a full basement.

  • Bethel Baptist Church, Schaumburg, Illinois
    Church and two story administration/educational facility over basement. Structural steel supported on masonry bearing walls; cast-in-place structural concrete floor system on caissons and grade beams.

  • Dwight Chapel, Dwight, Illinois
    Church facility a Dwight Correctional Institute; exposed timber framed arches on masonry bearing walls.


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